CyberSurfers 1-866-BLUE-POWER
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"CyberSurfers brought my web site to life, made it profitable, saved my staff time, and did it on time and within my budget."

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Companies That Use Our Services & Technology
Hundreds of companies around the world use technology developed by CyberSurfes and its subsidiaries. Whether your business is small, medium, or large, CyberSurfers has the experience to design and build anything from small web sites to large portals with backend systems. Below is a sample of some of the companies that use our technology or services.

Small Business

Fresh Start Services MyFlorist OfficEvolution
The Old Print Gallery Hampton Brass Electric Glass
Seely & Associates SongCatchers Gross & Romanick, PC
SEI FedTek
Beltway Movers GWP
SEC Cyberserv Maple Leaf

Medium and Large Business

Juniper Networks GE Fujitsu
3M Worldwide Global Computers Adobe
Sungard Glowpoint CPI
WireOne KBM Group Wind River
Changepoint Tibco Northrop
Citadel Commerce

Non-Profit & Government

HUD Republicans Democrats
Virginia State Police USPHS University of Missouri
George Mason University Disabled Veterans LIFE Memorial Foundation NIHECS3
California State