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    Home:  Solutions:  Web Site Upgrades:  Web Site Check List

Web SitesLocating and evaluating the individual components of your current web site is a good place to start when deciding what kind of upgrade that you may require. Cybersurfers has created an informative checklist to help you analyze your web site and note areas where improvement(s) may be necessary.

Read each item of our checklist carefully and determine the components pertinent to your web site. When you are finished, click on the calculate button at the bottom of the page and view your score. Click on the [±] to expand a detailed description of the question.

 YES   NO  Item Description & Comments

Does your web site display your company logo or graphically display your company name?
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Is your logo formatted properly for the web?
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Do you have at least one professional photo or custom graphic on each page of your web site?
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Do you have some type of custom graphics or collage that gives your site a high impact look and message?
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Does your web site have a consistent color and overall theme?
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 YES   NO  Item Description & Comments

Does Your Web Site Have An Intuitive Navigation Menu On Every Page?
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Is each page organized using carefully crafted boxes/tables, bullets, and efficient layout?
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Does every link on the web site work, leaving no "dead" links?
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Is there enough meaningful content that will help answer most questions that potential customers may have?
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If you link to another web site, do you have the linked site appear in another window?
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 YES   NO  Item Description & Comments

Does your web site have a database managed contact form for users to fill out?
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Does your web site have an e-mail collection tool?
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Does your web site have a Tell-A-Friend tool?
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Do you have a way to manage the content of your web site yourself using an updateable page tool?
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Does your web site have a survey, calculator, quote generator, etc. that is helpful to your potential customers and/or saves you or your staff time?
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